SEO Report Card

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Overall SEO Health Score


The SEO Report Card is based on 17 assessments across 4 key SEO-focused areas of a website.

This overall score is the result of your site’s passing assessments versus total (17) assessments, which are detailed throughout this report.

Overall Grading Criteria

Your Website:


Overall Summary:



Keyword Rank Analysis

This is a snapshot comparison of where your website ranks on Google & Bing for “” vs. your competitor.

Do you rank top 100 on Google for your keyword(s)?
Do you rank top 10 on Google for your keyword(s)?
Do you rank top 100 on Bing for your keyword(s)?
Do you rank top 10 on Bing for your keyword(s)?


Overall Link Building Analysis

The number of websites that link to your website has a significant impact on SERPs. Here’s your summary vs. your competitor.

Do you have a total of 10 or more referring domains?
Do you have a total of 100 or more referring domains?
Do you have a total of 25 or more backlinks?
Do you have a total of 250 or more backlinks?


Homepage Optimization

Optimizing your homepage for search engines AND for users is a critical step when it comes to rankings.

Does robots.txt allow indexing of your homepage?
Does <meta> tags allow indexing of your homepage?
Keyword(s) appear within your homepage <body>?
Keyword(s) appear within your homepage <title>?
Does your homepage load in less than 10 seconds?


Domain & Site Visibility

Based on how a website is “seen” and interpreted, they’re assigned a level of authority that builds over time—think of this as how much search engines “trust” your site.

Do you have a domain strength of 10 or more?
Is your domain age 1 year or older?
Do you have 1 or more pages indexed in Google?
Do you have 1 or more pages indexed in Bing?
Needs Work